We're under attack here at Casa de C-More. Don't worry- the neighbors haven't found out that I voted for Obama or that Johnny wears Birkenstock sandals. We're being attacked by something even more insidious-
Oklahoma has decided it's autumn, and this means every tree in our yard (of which there are many) has decided to abruptly shed its leaves. Well, except for the Coniferous Three in the front yard- they've gone the pine-cone dropping route. (Expect a post on pine-cone arts and crafts later!) Check out various parts of our yard:
Two of the Coniferous Three |
Our driveway. Johnny swept this totally clean two days ago. |
Leaves on the deck. Woody Cat is unrelated to leaves. |
Leaves in the pool. |
Leaves on the patio and in my chair! |
Leaves and those wretched pine-cones! |
Our compost pile with seven trashbags' worth of leaves from the driveway. |
The backyard is covered in leaves! |
Leaf War 2010 isn't over yet- some of our trees are still clinging to their leaves. This guy still has plenty to shed. (On the plus side, they're a very pretty red color!)
Your pretty red leaves mean NOTHING. |
Unfortunately, this tree is right next to our driveway, so it looks like we won't be hanging up the rake yet. We'll be mowing the yard soon and are hoping that will help break up the leaves into tiny bits- they'll degrade more quickly and help fertilize the yard for next year. (See, this degree in natural resources management is totally paying off.) The big piles (like what we get in the driveway) are going to head back to the compost pile, which is located in an old sandbox in the back yard. (I'm working on a composting guide- I told you that degree was useful!) I'd feel confident we could get the leaves under control, except for this:
Our street & across-the-street neighbors |
The across-the-street neighbors have a perfectly clean driveway and yard. It's totally leaf-free. They don't have much in the way of trees, but one would think the winds of Oklahoma would blow something their way. Look at the leaves in the street! What's going on here?
Leaf-blower. That's what's going on. We caught them yesterday with their nasty little noisemaker, blowing leaves willy-nilly into the street. And guess whose driveway they're blown directly into? (Hint: It's us.)
Any suggestions on how to do battle with these thoughtless cads?
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