Since moving into the house around a year ago, I feel like more destruction than improvement has happened:
- Hall bathroom toilet is in pieces (albeit because it stopped working and we tried to fix it)
- Half of the trees in the yard are dead (unsure about why this happened)
- A panel from the dropped ceiling in the kitchen fell out (replaced this yesterday though)
- I stepped through the ceiling while exploring the "attic"
- Buttons ate some of the carpet in the TV room
- Buttons ate some of the wallpaper in the bathroom
- The pool has turned into its own fragile ecosystem
- The garden has been taken over by unruly weeds
- The deck has some worrisome boards
- Dishwasher has begun leaking and stopped draining
- Bathroom sinks have stopped draining
How does this happen? Is this just what houses do? Fall apart? This isn't very fun. I thought it was going to be all painting walls neat colors and buying lamps!!
Sorry to tell you, this is typical house behavior. Money pits. All of them!