Friday, September 17, 2010


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The grass is greener on the other side of the fence. That's what Johnny thought as he considered buying a house, moving out of the city, and closer to work. The daily commute would be eliminated. No longer would neighbors chain smoking cigarettes or playing loud music at 7 AM or engaging in altercations ending with police encounters be endured. There would be room to spread out and work on large-scale projects. Pets could be had. So he found a nice house with a big yard and a pool in a quiet neighborhood, invited his girlfriend Stephanie and her cats to move in too, and began to enjoy life on the other side of the fence.

And then the yard, with its lovely ornamental grass and pretty flowers and abundant acreage grew tall and sprawling. And the pool turned green and refused to circulate water. And the neighbors began to park their truck in front of the yard. And a mysterious wetness showed up in the pantry. And Stephanie put a hole in the ceiling. And they realized that in reality, their grass was somewhat browner than originally envisioned.

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